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Rodin A.V. (MIPT) Dynamics of planetary atmospheres: theory and experiment

Tavrov A.V. (IKI RAS) New techniques for exoplanet investigations, in world
and in our lab.



Invited talk

Ananyeva V.I. (IKI RAS), Venkstern A.A., Churbanov D.V., Shashkova I.A., Tavrov A.V., Korablev O.I. and Bertaux J.-L. Distributions of exoplanets over real and radial-velocity projective masses: comparison by regularization of observational series.

Dolnikov G.G. (IKI RAS), Zakharov A.V., Kuznetsov I.A., Shashkova I.A., Lyash A.N.,

Popel S.I., Bednyakov S.A. Lunar and Martian dust under investigation of future Russian space mission.

Jean-Loup Bertaux (LATMOS, IKI RAS), Gizatullin K., Tavrov A.V., Ananievа V.I.

A new numerical inversion scheme of m sin i exo-planet mass distribution: its double peak remains after inversion.

Katushkina O.A. (IKI RAS), Izmodenov V.V., Quemerais E., Aleksashov D.B.  Backscattered solar Lyman alpha radiation: remote sensing of the heliosphere and planetary atmospheres.

Korablev O.I. (IKI RAS) Mars spectroscopic diagnostics: from Mars Express to ExoMars.

Luginin M.S. (IKI RAS) Knowledge of the Clouds of Venus a obtained from the Venus Express mission.

Meshcherinov V. (MIPT) Heterodyne Infrared spectrometer for planetary atmosphere research (HISPAR).

Zenevich S.G. (MIPT), Klimchuk A.U., Semenov V.M.1, Churbanov D.V., Мelazzini Мurillo F.О., Rodin A.V. Portable laser heterodyne spectroradiometer for a ground-based monitoring of greenhouse gases.

Мингалев И.В. (ПГИ), Федотова Е.А., Орлов К.Г. Построение и использование параметризаций молекулярного поглощения для расчета полей собственного и солнечного излучения в атмосферахпланет.

Орлов К.Г. (ПГИ), Мингалев И.В. Современные возможности вычислений на графических процессах. Компиляторы, устройства, примеры.


Antonenko O.V. (PGI), Kirillov A.S., Kulikov Yu.N. The study of production and quenching mechanisms of electronically excited O2 in the nightglow of planets of terrestrial group.

Betsis D.S. (IKI RAS), Fedorova А.А., Korablev O.I., Bertaux J.-L., Montmessin F., Lefevre, F. Martian dust cycle via solar occultation observations.

Ignatiev N.I. (IKI RAS), Grigoriev A.V., Moshkin B.E., Shakun A.V., Patsaev D.V., Maslov I.A., Korablev O.I. and TIRVIM/ACS team. Fourier-transform spectrometer ACS-TIRVIM onboard ExoMars-2016 TGO: calibration and first observations of Mars.

Kirillov A.S. (PGI), Werner R., Guineva V. Electronic kinetics of triplet states of N2 and CO in upper atmospheres of Titan, Triton, Pluto.

Kulikov Yu. N. (PGI). Mass fractionation of a primitive terrestrial atmosphere by hydrogen escape.

Kuznetsov I.A. (IKI RAS) Numerical simulation of lunar dusty plasma
exosphere and its interaction with spacecraft.

Lomakin A. (IKI RAS), Fedorova A., Korablev O.I., Montmessin F., Bertaux J.-L.

High resolution spectra of CO2 ices on Mars based on SPICAM/MEX data.

Malashevich S. (MIPT), Semenov V., Benderov O., Lobanov Yu., Shcherbatenko M. Application of a hot-electron bolometer in heterodyne IR  spectroscopy.

Melazzini F. (MIPT) NIR Heterodyne signal processing based on FPGA.

Morozova T.I. (IKI RAS), Izvekova Yu.N., Popel S.I. Dusty plasma and wave processes in the atmospheres of planets and near their satellites.


Patsaeva M.V. (IKI RAS), Khatuntsev I.V., Zasova L.V., Hauchecorne A.,  Titov D.V., Bertaux J.-L. Influence of the surface topography and local time on the cloud top circulation from VMC/Venus Express imaging.

Tebeneva T. (MIPT), Benderov O., Stepanov B., Rodin A.V. MIR fiber coupler developing for astronomy and remote sensing.

Yudaev A.V. (IKI RAS) , Shashkova I.A., Tavrov A.V.Simulation of CP-ARC and Lyo coronagraph in the "Spectrum-UV" mission.

Vlasov P.V. (IKI RAS), Ignatiev N.I. and TIRVIM/ACS Team Retrieval of temperature fields in the Martian atmosphere according to the data of ACS-TIRVIM Fourier spectrometer of the ExoMars-2016 space mission.

Zilberley T.L. (MIPT),  Lobanov J.V., Voronov B.М., Kaurova N.S., Korneev А.А.,  Rodin A.V. Development of surface mounting technology for planar structures with schottky diodes into a high-frequency transmission line.

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